Calibration of the scale system
Zero adjustment of the scale (weight function)
The scale is factory-set and no adjustment should be necessary unless
some components have to be replaced. However, a zero adjustment must
be carried out as the total weight of the machine has to be programmed
into the scale.
Make sure that the water and drain hoses are in place and properly moun-
ted. Make sure that all panels are fitted and the power connection is loca-
ted on top of the machine.
• Enter”Servicemode”asdescribedinlevelcalibration.
• Goto”Scaleadjustment”
• Press”Select”
• Goto”Zerocalibration”
• Press”Select”
• Press”Select”(Makesurethatthereisnoadditionalweightonthe
machine and don´t lean on the machine).
• Whendisplaytext”Resetscalefromcalibration…”appears,
press ”Select”
• Godownto”Exit”
• Press”Select”
• Gobacktothemainmenu.
The zero adjustment is now complete and the weight of the emty machine
should now be shown in the display as 0.0 kg (a margin of ± 0.1 kg is
permitted). If a different value is shown in the display, the zero adjustment
must be done again.