
1. Please set the Function Switch (1) OFF”.
2. Press Alarm Set button (9).
3. Please press the Hour Set button (12) to set the hour.
[For fast setting, hold down Hour Set button (12).]
4. Please press the Minute Set button (13) to set the minute.
[For fast setting, hold down Minute Set button (13).]
5. Please press the Alarm Set button (9) to confirm the current setting.
[If you do not press any button within 8 seconds, the current setting will be stored automatically.]
6. Press the Alarm Clock button (3) to switch on the alarm clock.
Wake to radio: “RADIO” symbol
Wake to buzzer: “BUZZER” symbol
Switch off the alarm clock: All symbols are deleted.
7. If you want to get awake from radio music, switch on the radio and search for the desired station, before setting the alarm
[See “RADIO OPERATION” for more details.]
1. If the alarm clock starts with radio music or buzzer, please press Storing Station button (3)-(7), to stop the alarm clock
for 10 minutes. Afterwards it will turn on again automatically.
[The total alarm clock time constitutes 60 minutes.]
[The symbol “OFF” appears.]
2. To switch off the alarm clock slide the Function Switch (1) to the position “OFF”.
1. Set the Function Switch (1) AUTO” or “OFF”.
[Please adjust the desired radio station before activating the snooze function.]
[See “RADIO OPERATION” for more details.]
2. Press Sleep button (11) one time to activate the snooze function and to switch on the radio.
[A standard time about 30 minutes will be displayed.]
3. Please press button Station Search Up (12) and Station Search Down (13) to change these settings in steps for each
10 minutes. Duration of snooze time: [From 10 to 90 minutes].
4. The radio stops automatically, when it reaches the adjusted switch-off time.
1. Switch the
CCoouunntt--DDoowwnn TTiimmeerr BBuuttttoonn ((1155))
to "ON" position.
[The "COUNT-DOWN TIMER" icon and the previous timer setting will appear]
2. Press the
HHoouurr SSeett BBuuttttoonn ((1122))
to advance the timer alarm hour setting.
[Press and hold the
HHoouurr SSeett BBuuttttoonn ((1122))
to fast advance the setting]
3. Press the
MMiinnuuttee SSeett BBuuttttoonn ((113
to advance the timer minute setting.
[Press and hold the
MMiinnuuttee SSeett BBuuttttoonn ((1133))
to fast advance the setting]
4. Press the
CCoouunntt--ddoowwnn TTiimmeerr BBuuttttoonn ((1155))
again to confirm the current setting.
[If no key pressed for 8 seconds, the current setting will be confirmed]
5. During real-time running mode, press the
CCoouunntt--DDoowwnn TTiimmeerr RReevviieeww BBuuttttoonn ((1100))
once to view the count-down timer. If you
wish to change the setting, follow the STEP-2 and STEP-4 accordingly.
6. When the preset timer due; the buzzer will ON for 10 minutes.
7. To disable prior to the set time; switch the
CCoouunntt--DDoowwnn TTiimmeerr BBuuttttoonn ((1155))
to "OFF" position.
1. If you want to lock the keys, slide the keylock to “OFF” position.
02-4259-GB.qxd 10/19/06 3:10 PM Page 9