
LOI boardFigure 4-44:
The J1 jumper is located on the back of the LOI, at the top while holding the LOI right-side
up. It should be set.
4.4.16 Analog inputs and outputs
The analog outputs can be calibrated or adjusted with MON2020. However, these outputs
should be measured with a calibrated digital meter upon initial installation at zero scale
and full scale. Then the span can be set with MON2020 so that it represents values from
zero to 100 percent of the user-defined units in use.
Nominally, calibration is made within a range of 4-20 milliamperes (mA) output from each
analog channel. However, zero scale calibrations can be set with 0 mA output, and full
scale calibration can be set with up to 22.5 mA output. If there is reason to suspect that the
span on any particular channel might be off after a period of time and heavy use, then the
analog output for that channel should be recalibrated.
Analog output adjustment
The initial analog output adjustments are set at the factory, before shipment, at standard
values (4-20 mA). It may be necessary to check and/or adjust these values depending on
output cabling/impedance. The adjustment may require two persons if the units are some
distance apart. It requires a calibrated digital meter to check the zero and full scale values
at the receiving end. The scale or span value can then be adjusted with MON2020.
It is possible to calibrate the analog outputs using different engineering units, volts and
4.4.17 Discrete digital inputs and outputs
For instructions on connecting digital inputs and outputs to the GC’s field termination
boards, see Section 3.5.13 for more details.
Operation and maintenance