3.7.5 User Inputs / Customer Inputs
The user can connect and specify up to four inputs depending on unit configuration. The user
inputs/customer inputs are digital inputs that influence the operating mode of the unit depending on
the selection. The customer input configuration settings are in the Service menu under Set Alarms,
Screen 2 of 7. The choices for the customer inputs are shown in Table 7 along with their associated
reaction. A terminal strip is provided in the cooling unit to connect your contact closure to. You have
the ability to set the control to react on an open or closed contact.
To enabled/disabled, delay activation and set event type (alarm, warn, message) see Event
Types on page 34.
Table 7 Customer inputs
Setting Reaction
Smoke Event Only
Water Alarm Event Only
C PMP Alarm Event Only
Flow Alarm Event Only
Stdby G Pmp Event Only
Stdby Unit Event Only
C-Input 1 Event Only
C-Input 2 Event Only
C-Input 3 Event Only
C-Input 4 Event Only
Rht Lockout Event + Electrical Heaters Disabled
Hum Lockout Event + Humidifier Disabled
Rht+Hum Lock Event + Electrical Heaters and Humidifier Disabled
Comp Lockout Event + Compressor(s) Disabled w/o Pump Down
Call Service Event Only
High Temp Event Only
Air Loss Event Only
FC Lockout Event + Free Cooling Disabled
Heater Alarm Event + Heaters Off (PeX Only)
Flow AL SD Event + Shut Down the Unit
Flow AL LC Event + Lockout Compressors, No Pump Down (enabled only if at
least one compressor is on; auto-reset depends on input status)
Comp Lock PD Event + Compressor(s) Disabled w/ Pump Down
Enable FC Forces Free Cooling to On
HTRJ VFD Activates the HEAT REJ VFD ALARM; no other function
HTRJ TVSS Activates the HEAT REJ TVSS ALARM; no other function