Printing with Windows 49
Selecting Settings on the Main Tab
The Main tab allows you to select the Media Type, Color, Print Quality, Mode,
Paper Source, Paper Size, and Borderless settings, and also check the ink
cartridge status. You can also access the User’s Guide by clicking the Manual
Most Windows applications feature paper size settings that override similar settings
in the printer driver. If your application does not have these features, verify the
settings on the printer driver’s Main tab.
Selecting the Media Type setting
The Media Type setting determines what other settings are available in the
printer driver, so make sure you always select this setting first.
Select the Media Type setting that matches the paper you loaded in the
printer. See "Media Type setting list" on page 50 for a list of settings.
❏ The availability of Epson media varies by region.
❏ When using non-Epson papers, see "Notes on Epson Media and Other Media" on
page 143.
❏ For the latest information on the Epson media available in your area, see "Where
To Get Help" on page 229.