Remote Playback
To use remote playback:
1. Click REM
OTE and then select a DVR from the Set List. The dates with recorded video are
highlighted in the calendar: RED=alarm, GREEN=motion, YELLOW=normal.
2. Select a date in the calendar. Hour and minute
ocks for the video appear in the time field
(see figure 29.2).
3. Click time blocks for Hour and Minute.
Click and drag the green cursor in the minute
field to set a longer playback time.
5. Click PLAY. Playback immediat
ely begins in the main screen.
Playback Controls
Control playback with the following buttons:
• Playback:
• Reverse playback
Forward playback
Reverse frame-by-frame (click repeatedly)
Forward frame-by-frame (click repeatedly)
• Playback speed slider: Pause=center; 1X, 2X, 4X, 8X
forward and -1X, -2X, -4X, -8X reverse
• Cameras: click to view the camera channel in
full-screen (active channel is highlighted in green)
Figure 29.2 Remote Playback—time blocks