Printing Special Photos 61
15. Select Color Management from the pop-up menu.
16. Click Off (No Color Adjustment).
17. Click Print to print your test target.
18. Repeat these steps to print a test target for each paper type and Print Quality
setting you plan to print with.
1. Open Adobe Photoshop and open the profile target file.
2. If you see a missing profile screen, select Leave as is (don’t color manage).
3. Select File > Print or Print with
4. In the Print window, click the
Show More Options checkbox (if
necessary), then choose Color
in the drop-down
5. Select No Color Management
in Photoshop CS2 and CS3 or
Same as Source for the Print
Space: Profile setting in
Photoshop CS and 7.
6. Click the Print button.
7. Click the Properties or Preferences button.
Select Off (No Color