Sawgrass Technologies, Inc. ~ www.sawgrassink.com
Appendix A: Over-riding Graphic Software Color Management
PowerDriver provides a complete color management solution for your SubliJet printing.
It is extremely important that you turn off any color matching features associated with
your design software. An explanation of how to disable print-time color management in
several popular design packages follows:
CorelDraw™ versions 10, 11, 12, X-3, and X-4.
• Create a new graphic.
• From the main menu choose Tools, Color Management. In the Color Management
window (see figure below), set the Style option to Color Management Off.
CorelDraw™ version 9
• Create a new graphic.
• From the main menu choose Tools, Color Management. The Color Management
dialog box is displayed.
• In the Color Management window (see figure below), UNCHECK the Calibrate
colors for display box.