Page 16 Epson Research and Development
Vancouver Design Center
S1D13708 Programming Notes and Examples
X39A-G-003-01 Issue Date: 01/11/20
ct to C
The LUT entry is updated only when the LUT Write Address Register (REG[0Bh]) is
written to.
bits 7-2 LUT Red Write Data Bits [5:0]
This register contains the data to be written to the red component of the Look-Up Table.
The data is stored in this register until a write to the LUT Write Address register
(REG[0Bh]) moves the data into the Look-Up Table.
The LUT entry is updated only when the LUT Write Address Register (REG[0Bh]) is
written to.
bits 7-0 LUT Write Address Bits [7:0]
This register forms a pointer into the Look-Up Table (LUT) which is used to write LUT
data stored in REG[08h], REG[09h], and REG[0Ah]. The data is updated to the LUT
only with the completion of a write to this register. This is a write-only register and
returns 00h if read.
bits 7-2 LUT Blue Read Data Bits [5:0]
This register contains the data from the blue component of the Look-Up Table. The LUT
entry read is controlled by the LUT Read Address Register (REG[0Fh]). This is a read-
only register.
This register is updated only when the LUT Read Address Register (REG[0Fh]) is writ-
ten to.
Look-Up Table Red Write Data Register
REG[0Ah] Write Only
LUT Red Write Data Bits 5-0 n/a
7654321 0
Look-Up Table Write Address Register
REG[0Bh] Write Only
LUT Write Address Bits 7-0
Look-Up Table Blue Read Data Register
REG[0Ch] Read Only
LUT Blue Read Data Bits 5-0 n/a
7654321 0