
Krautkramer USN 52R/USN 52L Issue 05, 02/00 9-3
Display rectification Half-wave positive/negative, full-wave and RF
Frequency (-3dB ranges) 0.4 MHz to 10 MHz
2 MHz to 8 MHz
0.3 MHz to 4 MHz
3 MHz to 10 MHz
Unit of measure mm or inch
Display USN 52R: EL display, 146 mm x 67 mm, 552 x 256 pixels
USN 52L: transflective LCD display, 114 mm x 75 mm, 480 x 320 pixels, switchable
backlight, selectable contrast
Both versions: A-scan in a filled (SOLID) or curve (HOLLOW) mode, enlarged
thickness reading selectable, status symbols for battery charge, pulser,
measurement mode, lock and menu selection
Refresh rate 60 Hz (REP-RATE = HIGH)
30 Hz (REP-RATE = LOW)
Measurement resolution Minimum: 0.1 mm or 0.5% display width
Echo height resolution 1% screen height
Noise suppression Adjustable from 0 to 80% screen height, absolutely linear,
Language Either German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish,
Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch and Russian
Krautkramer USN 52R/USN 52L Issue 05, 02/00 9-3
Display rectification Half-wave positive/negative, full-wave and RF
Frequency (-3dB ranges) 0.4 MHz to 10 MHz
2 MHz to 8 MHz
0.3 MHz to 4 MHz
3 MHz to 10 MHz
Unit of measure mm or inch
Display USN 52R: EL display, 146 mm x 67 mm, 552 x 256 pixels
USN 52L: transflective LCD display, 114 mm x 75 mm, 480 x 320 pixels, switchable
backlight, selectable contrast
Both versions: A-scan in a filled (SOLID) or curve (HOLLOW) mode, enlarged
thickness reading selectable, status symbols for battery charge, pulser,
measurement mode, lock and menu selection
Refresh rate 60 Hz (REP-RATE = HIGH)
30 Hz (REP-RATE = LOW)
Measurement resolution Minimum: 0.1 mm or 0.5% display width
Echo height resolution 1% screen height
Noise suppression Adjustable from 0 to 80% screen height, absolutely linear,
Language Either German, English, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish,
Norwegian, Finnish, Dutch and Russian