
1. Ethernet 4-47
Network Communications
Errors during Macro Command Execution
The execution result of macro commands SEND/EREAD/EWRITE is stored in system
memory address $s515.
System memory address: $s515 (response to the request)
Code Contents Solution
0 Normal
200 - 2000 Communication error Refer to “Communication Errors.”
30 Timeout Check if an error is occurring to the target V7.
31 The number of words being sent exceeds
the limit.
Check the number of words that can be sent in macro
32 Specified table not used Check the setting on the network table.
33 Cannot use the send command. Check the macro command in macro editing.
34 Specified table being used Check that system memory address $s514 is set. If
not, reduce the frequency of communications.
35 Cannot process due to short memory Check the memory space at the target station.
36 Illegal receive packet bytes Check the requested number of words.
37 Memory access error Check the setting of the requested memory.
38 Macro setting error Check the macro setting.