Problem Possible Cause Repair Procedure
2b. Blower inoperative. 2b. Check for 115 vac at the blower motor
terminals. Check motor resistance: 10 ohms
2c. Thermostats open. 2c. Check for continuity, at room temperature.
2d. Thermal fuse open. 2d. Check for continuity.
2e. Heating elements. 2e. Check resistance: 25 ohms maximum open.
2f. Dryer timer. 2f. Test for 115 vac between either terminal of
88° C thermostat & either terminal of 110° C
3. Clothes hot
and damp at the
end of the dry
3a. Blocked filter. 3a. Remove, clean, and replace filter.
3b. *No cold water supply. 3b. Cold water reuired for dryer to function
3c. * Machine not leveled. 3c. Condenser water f low disturbed. Level unit
and retest.
3d. Blower impeller. 3d. Remove and clean. Also check to see if
condensing channel is clogged with lint.
3e. * Condenser water valve
3e. Test for 110 vac across the valve terminals.
If present, valve may b e defective.
3f. * Blower housing to Tub Seals
3f. Disassemble blower housing f rom tub.
Ensure that seals are positioned properly &
4. Long drying
4a. High suds detergent. 4a. Use Equator detergent, or other low-suds
Excessive detergent. Measure detergent, using 2 tablespoons or 1/8
cup maximum.
4b. Hot and cold water hoses
4b. Connect hoses to the proper inlet valves.
4c. Dryer section malf unction. 4c. See #2 and #3 above for tests to perform.
5. Clothes stif f
and wrinkled.
5a. Overdrying. 5a. Set dryer timer f or a shorter cycle
5b. High suds detergent. 5b. Use Equator detergent, or other low-suds
5c. Excessive detergent. 5c. Measure detergent, using 1 tablespoon.*
* Applies only to models EZ 3600 C and EZ 2500 C