
Gateway A WAP Gateway typically includes the following functions:
- A Protocol Gateway – the protocol gateway translates requests from
the WAP protocol stack to the WWW protocol stack (HTTP and TCP/
- Content Encoders and Decoders – the content encoders translate Web
content into compact encoded formats to reduce the size and number of
packets traveling over the wireless data network.
GIF Graphics Interchange Format.
GPRS General Packet Radio Services.
GSM Global System for Mobile Communications. GSM is the world’s most
widely-used digital mobile phone system, now operating in over 100
countries around the world, particularly in Europe and Asia-Pacific.
GSM 900 The GSM systems family includes GSM 900, GSM 1800 and GSM
1900. There are different phases of roll-out for the GSM system and
GSM phones are either phase 1 or phase 2 compliant.
GSM 1800 Also known as DCS 1800 or PCN, this is a digital network working on
a frequency of 1800 MHz. It is used in Europe and Asia-Pacific.
HDML Handheld Device Markup Language.
HDTP Handheld Device Transport Protocol.
HR Half Rate, speech coding.
HSCSD High Speed Circuit Switched Data.
HTML HyperText Markup Language.
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol.
Image WBMP or GIF image contained in a Card.
IrMC Infrared Mobile Communications standard.
IrDA Infrared Data Association.
IrTranP Infrared Transfer Picture, a specification for sending pictures via infra-
ISP Internet Service Provider.
ITTP Intelligent Terminal Transfer Protocol.
LAN Local Area Network.
ME Mobile Equipment.
Micro browser Accesses and displays the internet contents in your mobile phone, just
as an ordinary browser does in your computer. The micro browser uses
small file sizes and the bandwidth of the wireless-handheld network.
MIR Medium speed infrared
MMI Man-machine interface.
MS Mobile Station.
MT Mobile Termination.
OTA Over-the Air Configuration. To provide settings for the phone by way
of sending a message, SMS, over the network to the phone. This
reduces the need for the user to configure the phone manually.
PDA Personal Digital Assistant.
PDP Packet Data Protocol.