Euphonix MADI Converters Operation Manual Introduction
1.3 Power On Sequence
We recommend powering up the converters only after verifying the presence of a val-
id sync signal. After powering up the converters, the meter LEDs flash briefly and the
Sample Rate and Sample Rate Source LEDs blink as the converter senses the incoming
Sample Rate source and Sample Rate. We recommend monitoring the power-up se-
quence to verify the converters have correctly auto-sensed the desired Sample Rate
Source and Sample Rate.
1.4 Safety and Precautions
The AM713, MA703, MD704 and DM714 comply with CE’s EN 60950 Electrical
Safety Standards.
1.4.1 220, 230, 240 VAC Operation
NOTE: Before connecting power to the converters, change the fuse and voltage se-
lector to the appropriate 220/230/240 VAC settings.
The converters preserve their signal quality using linear power supplies that must be
manually switched between 115 and 230 VAC. The units are shipped set for 115 VAC.
Move the red, two-position switch near the power entry module of the converters to the
230 VAC position (down) for 220/230/240 VAC operation.
Each unit uses a 0.630 A fuse for 115 VAC operation. To operate at 220, 230, or
240 VAC, install the spare 0.315 A fuse provided in the power entry module fuse-holder.
To access both the active and the spare fuse:
1. Turn the unit’s power off.
2. Remove the IEC power cable from the power entry module.
3. Use a small screwdriver to open the fuse tray below the electrical inlet.
The active fuse is to the rear of the tray. The spare fuse is in the tray slot closest
to the front. Pull the fuses through the plastic constriction point that holds them
from falling out.
NOTE: Never disconnect the safety ground to the converters.