These joysticks usually operate in the X and Y axes, and have up to four push buttons. The
remote will support two X/Y joysticks and four push buttons as controller inputs. See
Appendix A for further information on connecting joysticks.
Ü Extra controller options with EVE/NET on page 3.
Ü See Orville User Manual for more information on Controllers.
It is important to be aware that some features of the more complex joysticks may require extra
software (drivers) on the PC to support them - since the remote is not a PC this software will
not be useable. As a result, it is best to use a simple analog joystick, or a more complex one
that is capable of emulating an analog joystck without extra software.
Using MIDI with the remote
The MIDI connections on the remote are routed over EVE/NET to the connected units. This
means that an external MIDI controller (e.g. keyboard, joystick) can be plugged into the
remote, and it will act upon the units that the remote is controlling, just as if it were directly
plugged into the Orvilles.
Similarily, if send MIDI is set on any of the controlled units, any MIDI messages or dumps sent
by them will be available at the remote.
Ü Send MIDI on page 3.
Configuring the remote
The remote normally requires little or no configuration - facilities are provided to adjust screen
brightness and contrast, change EVE/NET range
settings, and perform various self-tests. To enter
configuration mode, hold down the UNIT key
for about a second until you see the main menu
on the right.
This menu gives you the following options,
which can be selected by pressing the appropriate numeric key as shown on the screen:
This returns all remote settings to their default values. In the event of serious problems, it
should be used to return the remote to a known state.
This allows you to use the knob to change the brightness and contrast settings for the screen,
as well as the encoder LED brightness settings.
Set Range
This allows the maximum operating range (cable length) of the remote to be changed. It is
recommended that it NOT be changed, and be left at the default value of 300 ft. All
remotes and Orvilles connected to an EVE/NET network MUST have the same range setting,
or system performance will be seriously degraded and error messages will be shown.
EVE/NET Remote User Manual
Document 141044
Release 1.0 Page 11 of 20
1: panel test 2: joysticks
3: set range 6: display
8: MIDI loop 9: initialize