Congratulations on your purchase of the Model 382400 Extech AC Clamp device. The Model
382400 features:
True RMS AC measurements
3000A maximum current
600V maximum voltage
Fast Peak Hold feature
MAX-MIN and Data Hold features
Auto Power OFF
This meter is shipped fully test and calibrated. Careful use of this meter will provide years of reliable
International Safety Symbols
This symbol, adjacent to another symbol or terminal, indicates the user must refer to the
manual for further information.
This symbol, adjacent to a terminal, indicates that, under normal use, hazardous voltages
may be present
Double insulation
• Do not exceed the maximum allowable measurement ranges.
• Set the function switch to the OFF position when the meter is not in use.
• Remove the batteries if the meter is to be stored for longer than 60 days.
• Do not install the flexible current probe around bare conductors carrying a voltage ranging from
30V to 600V unless wearing protective clothing and gloves suitable for high-voltage work.
• Always inspect and check any damage of the current probe assembly before usage. Do not
use the flexible current probe if any damage is found.
• Do not use the meter on circuits rated higher then 600V.
• Set function switch to the appropriate position before measuring.
• When measuring voltage do not switch to the current mode.