Model 42580 Version 2.2 11/03
Software Operation
When the program is started the meter and PC begin communicating. The main software
screen appears.
File Save
Load File
Print Set Selector Download Upload
Entering Descriptions for Manual Recordings
The 42580 has the capability of storing a 14 character label with each record to help in
organizing the data collected. The label can be entered either before or after the readings
are made. If no label is entered the default description is the Date and Time Stamp of the
reading. (Please note that labels for automatic readings cannot be changed and will always
be the Date and Time Stamp)
To enter labels for uploading
1. On the toolbar click on
the clear button
2. Click on the set selector
drop down screen and
select the desired set (1
to 4 for manual)
3. Enter desired labels
4. Click on upload button.
Data transfer will begin.
The meter will display
PC MODE in the screen
until transfer is