EC400-en-GB_V2.6 11/14
Cleaning Recommendations
When cleaning the probe, take care not to scratch or damage the platinized electrode surfaces.
Contaminant Cleaning Solution Instructions
Water soluble substances Deionized water Soak or scrub gently with a
soft brush. Rinse thoroughly
with DI water, and dry
Grease & Oil Warm water and household
Soak or scrub with a soft
brush, maximum of 10
minutes. Rinse thoroughly
with DI water, and dry
Heavy grease & Oil Alcohol Maximum of 5 minute soak,
scrub with a soft brush.
Rinse thoroughly with DI
water, and dry
Lime and hydroxide
10% acetic acid Soak until coating dissolved,
maximum of 5 minutes. .
Rinse thoroughly with DI
water, and dry.
Problem Possible Cause Action
Reading is frozen Unit is in “HOLD” mode Press MODE/HOLD key to
exit “HOLD” mode
“BAT” message Batteries are low Replace batteries
Unit will not calibrate in
conductivity mode
Contaminated conductivity
Use fresh standards
Unit will not calibrate in
conductivity mode
Dirty probe Clean conductivity probe
(See cleaning instructions)
Unit will not calibrate in
conductivity mode
Damaged conductivity probe Replace electrode
Unit will not calibrate in
conductivity mode
Trapped air bubbles Tap or stir to release air
Unit will not turn on Batteries are low or dead Replace batteries
Unit will not turn on Batteries installed with
incorrect polarity
Replace batteries,
observe polarity
Unit will not respond to
any key presses
Internal fault Perform hard reboot:
Remove batteries, hold
ON/OFF switch down for 5
seconds, replace batteries