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Section 7 ... Operating in MS-DOS World
For proper operation of the S2000T printers in the DOS environment, the following are required:
FOR SERIES 2000T - Serial Printer Version
§ Use DOS print command to print, or Write Direct to printer port.
§ Set the PC's communication baud using DOS MODE command: Printer and PC baud rate
and parity have to match.
Ÿ MODE com1:19200,n,8,1
§ Redirect PC's serial (COM) port to parallel (LPT)
Ÿ MODE lpt1:=com1:
§ Set the printer port for infinite retry using the DOS MODE command.
FOR SERIES 2000T - IrDA Printer Version
§ To operate the IrDA interface in MS-DOS environment, an IrDA device driver is
required. IrDA.SYS device driver is available from Extech.
§ Install the file IrDA.SYS to the boot fixed drive.
§ Next, modify the CONFIG.SYS file to include IrDA.SYS as one of the device drivers.
For example: DEVICE = C:\IrDA.SYS COM1 IRQ4 ADDR3F8 ; where C:\ is the path of
where you copied IrDA.SYS to, COM1 is the comport you choose, IRQ4 is the interrupt
request of that com port, and ADDR3F8 is the base address of that com port.
§ Finally, modify the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to include a command to reroute one of the
line printers to the com port, for example:
§ Re-boot DOS so that the modified CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT take effect.
From that point on, anything you send to the rerouted line printer will go through the
IrDA.SYS driver.
Operating in Windows
§ To insure proper operation of the SERIES 2000 parallel version, in windows environment
the following are required.
§ Select Generic/text only printer driver.
§ Use Windows printer manager.
§ For the SERIES 2000 serial version, set the PC's serial port (COM1) baud rate and parity
to match printer.
§ Use printer Self-Test to verify baud rate and parity setting.