When logged in as an administrator, TCP /IP settings can be changed.
NOTE: RS-232 settings are read-only cannot be changed via the web page.
To change the TCP/IP settings:
1. Click on the Edit button. The Communication Settings dialog box opens.
Figure 56. Communications Settings Dialog
2. To obtain an IP address automatically check the DHCP check box. Alternatively, to
manually assign IP, Subnet Mask, and Default gateway addresses complete all the
fields as desired.
3. Click the Apply button to accept the pending changes.
Clicking the Cancel button cancels any pending changes and closes the dialog box.
Clicking the Reset to Default button resets the device to the factory default IP
address (
Input/Output Status
This read-only section displays the current input and output status. These are not
configurable via the web page.
Figure 57. Input and Output Status Section
Annotator 300 • Accessing the Web Page 94