AVT 200HD Tuner • HTML Configuration and Control 75
4. Press the <Enter> key. The tuner checks to see if it is password protected.
• If the tuner is not password protected, the System Status web page opens.
• If the AVT is password protected, the network password dialog box is displayed.
Figure 46. Example of a Network Password Dialog Box
5. If an administrator or user password is required, enter it in the Password field. If
desired, select the check box to have the system input your password the next time you
enter your AVT IP address. Click OK.
NOTE: A User name entry is not required.
The AVT 200HD checks several possibilities, in the following order, and then responds
• If the address includes a specific file name, such as
file_name.html, the tuner downloads that HTML page.
• If there is a file in the AVT memory that is named “index.html,” the tuner
downloads “index.html” as the default startup page.
• If neither of the above conditions is true, the tuner downloads the
factory-installed default startup page, “nortxe_index.html,” also known as the
System Status page.
Special Characters
The HTML language reserves certain characters for specific functions. The AVT does not
accept these characters as part of preset names, the tuner name, passwords, or locally
created file names.
The following characters are invalid or not recommended:
+ ~ , @ = ` [ ] { } < > ’ ‘ “ ” ; : | \ ? and space.