Volume Control (VOL)
Each output channel volume block provides a mono long-throw
fader with a range of 0 to 100dB of attenuation, and a volume
setting readout (indB) below the fader. Volume level is adjustable
with the slider or by entering the desired level directly into the
volume setting readout in 0.1dB increments.
Clicking the fader handle or clicking within the fader area brings
focus to the fader. The input signal level can be adjusted using any
of the following methods:
• Click and hold the fader handle, then drag it to desired level in
1.0dB steps.
• Click or tab to the fader handle, then use the <up> and <down>
arrow keys to change the desired level in 1dB steps. The
keyboard <PageUp> and <Page Down> keys increase or
decrease the level in 5dB steps.
• Click in or tab to the level readout field. Type a new value, then
press <Enter> or <Tab> to another area.
Output polarity switching is also provided with a button that toggles polarity.
The default setting is unmuted, at 0dB attenuation. A peak meter displays the real-time
audio level from – 60 to 0dBFS.
The OK button accepts settings and closes the dialog with a click. The Cancel button
ignores changes and closes the dialog.
The output volume control provides level control for each output. The output control is a
trim control adjustable from – 100.0to 0dB. The default setting is unity gain (0.0dB).
The Polarity button, accessible in the dialog box, allows the polarity of the wires
connected to the audio connectors (+/tip and -/ring) to be flipped in order to easily correct
for miswired connectors.
The Mute button, accessible in the dialog box, allows the post-meter audio output to be
silenced. When the audio output is muted, the mute button lights red, and red indicators
in the block turn on. If the output has been grouped with other inputs or outputs, the
group number will be indicated on the right side of this button.
DMP64 • Software Control 59