Extron DTP HD DA4 4K 230/330 and DTP HD DA8 4K 230/330 • SIS Commands 11
SIS Commands
This section provides information about the SIS commands that are used to configure the
DTP HDDA4 and DTP HD DA8 series. The following topics are discussed:
z Introduction to SIS
z Symbols Used in this Guide
z DTP HD DA4/DA8 EDID Memory Locations
z Command and Response Table for SIS Commands
Introduction to SIS
The distribution amplifiers can be set up and controlled remotely via Extron SIS commands that
are issued from a host computer running the Extron DataViewer utility or other control system.
The host device can be connected to the RJ-45 LAN connector on the rear panel, the 3-pole
captive screw connector on the rear panel, or to the mini USB config port on the front panel.
The serial protocol is 9600 baud, 8 data bit, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
NOTE: The wiring in the RS-232 cables crosses over so that the distribution amplifier
transmit (Tx) wire connects with the control device receive (Rx) and vice versa.
Host-to-Distribution Amplifier Communications
SIS commands consist of strings (one or more characters per command field). No special
characters are required to begin or end a command sequence. Unless otherwise stated, upper
and lower case characters can be used interchangeably. Most responses from the distribution
amplifier ends with a carriage return and a line feed (CR/LF = ]), which signals the end of the
response character string. When the switcher determines that a command is valid, it executes
the command and sends a response to the host device.
Distribution Amplifier-initiated Messages
When a local event such as a change in signal status takes place, the distribution amplifier
responds by sending a message to the host, indicating the status change. No response is
required from the host.
Copyright Information
The copyright message is displayed upon connecting to a DA via TCP/IP or Telnet or after a
power cycle via RS-232.
] © Copyright 20yy, Extron Electronics, DTP HD DA4/DA8 4K 230/330,
Vx.xx, 60-xxxx-01]
Mon, 2 Feb 2015 11:27:33 ]
20yy is the year the currently installed firmware was released, Vx.xx is the firmware version
number, and 60-xxxx-01 is the catalog part number.
This is followed by a Password prompt if a password has been set.