DSP presets
This gives a significant improvement over traditional stereo,
which converts the differences between the microphone signals
into amplitude differences in the speaker signals. This version of
the Trifield algorithm is virtually impossible to implement without
digital signal processing.
Trifield is recommended for well-made recordings and stereo
television broadcasts that are not Dolby Surround encoded. An
advantage over the Music DSP preset is that the front stereo
image is more focused, and the width of the image can be
Music and Trifield DSP preset
Parameter Options What it changes
HS Out? * Y or N High-rate audio.
Centre Flat, EQ1 to 3 The timbre of the
centre loudspeaker.
Width † 0 to 1.5 The width of the image.
Surr. Rear Surr. Rear, Switches the surround
Surr. Side, Surr. All signal between the
side and rear speakers.
R Filter Off, 1kHz, 3kHz, The cutoff of high
7kHz frequencies from the
rear surrounds.
S Filter Off, 1kHz, 3kHz, The cutoff of high
7kHz frequencies from the
side surrounds.
* Y gives high-rate audio to the front speakers (left, right, centre,
and subwoofer) upsampled if necessary. N gives standard-rate
audio using all speakers, downsampled if necessary.
† Trifield only.