Configuring the setup options
The setup option allows you to add a tilt offset to the centre speaker. You
only need to configure the master loudspeaker.
To select Setup mode
• Turn off the DSP8000 loudspeaker using the power switch on the back
• Turn on the power again while holding down the Store key on the
The display will show:
It will then revert
to standby:
You can now operate the speaker in the usual way, using the additional
setup menu to adjust the response while listening to sources.
When you have finished adjusting the setup options:
• Switch off at the back panel, and then switch on again to restore normal
operation with the setup you have programmed.
To adjust the centre tilt offset
If your system includes a DSP centre speaker you should set Centre Y on the
master speaker. An additional centre tilt offset option is then provided to
allow you to add a tilt offset to the centre speaker.
• Press > or < until the display shows the current centre tilt offset.
For example:
• Press A or V to adjust the centre tilt offset.
The Centre tilt offset is added to the Tilt value for the selected source.
The recommended setting is -1dB.