MusicLogic DSP preset parameters
Parameter Options What it changes
Roll Off, Low, Med, Max The degree of left-right steering.
Yaw Off, Low, Med, Max The degree of front-rear steering.
Steered All Steered Rear, Steered Side, Steered All Which of the four surround channels are generated by steering.
PLIIx Music DSP preset parameters
Parameter Options What it changes
Steered All Steered Rear, Steered Side, Steered All Which of the four surround channels are generated by steering.
Width 0 to 7 The centre spread, where 0 is full centre and 7 is full left and right.
Dimension -3 to +3 The spatial soundfield, where -3 puts the balance to the rear of the room
and +3 puts it to the front.
Panorama No, Yes Extends the front stereo image to include the surround speakers,
providing a wrap-around effect new to Pro Logic.
DSP presets
MusicLogic is a music DSP preset based on Pro Logic II with
the addition of user-adjustable steering, designed to provide an
exciting experience with many types of studio-produced music.
PLIIx Music
The PLIIx Music preset is designed to use the Pro Logic IIx DSP
processing mode to decode music sources. It provides additional
Width, Dimension, and Panorama preset parameters to allow
you to adjust the soundfield.
G Series DSP 47 31/10/03, 4:24:39 pm