
FS-8700-40 SBT FSI Driver Manual Page 14 of 29
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4.4.5 Map Descriptor example 2 Monitoring Analog Loop Devices
Analog devices on a loop can be monitored for detector voltage, sensitivity voltage and threshold voltage using three analog Map Descriptors:
// Client Side Map Descriptors
Map_Descriptor_Name ,Data_Array_Name ,Data_Array_Offset ,Function ,Node_Name ,Block_Number ,Length ,Msg_Type ,Analog_Device ,Scan_Interval
CD_Analog_Volts1 ,Analog_Volts ,0 ,Rdbc ,Panel1 ,1 ,60 ,Analog_Volts ,0 ,300s
CD_Analog_Sens1 ,Analog_Sense ,0 ,Rdbc ,Panel1 ,1 ,60 ,Analog_Sense ,0 ,300s
CD_Analog_Thres1 ,Analog_Thres ,0 ,Rdbc ,Panel1 ,1 ,60 ,Analog_Thres ,0 ,300s
Note: If necessary, use more analog Map Descriptors with other Analog_Device numbers to poll other devices on the loop.
Scan Interval on analog
pollers may not be shorter
than 300s to prevent
flooding the Foreign
Systems Interface.
Use Float Data Arrays for
the analog Map
Descriptors to get the
full analog value.
0 : devices 1-60
1 : devices 61-121
2 : devices 122-182
3 : devices 183-243
4 : devices 244-252