Chapter 1
Introduction 9
Updating files from previous versions
If you used LDAC (Local Data Access Companion) or RDAC (Remote Data Access Companion) in versions
prior to FileMaker Server 5.5 to share a database file, you’ll need to make two changes. First, you need to
set up users to belong to an account that has the extended privilege of Access via ODBC/JDBC (as part of the
account’s privilege set).
See FileMaker Pro Help for information about sharing via ODBC/JDBC and setting up accounts and
privilege sets.
Installing current drivers
If you installed a driver from versions prior to FileMaker Server 9 Advanced or FileMaker Pro 9, you must
uninstall the earlier driver and install the driver for version 9. For more information, see
chapter 2,
“Installing FileMaker ODBC and JDBC client drivers.”
Note You have to create a DSN for each FileMaker database file you want to access as a data source. If you
have previously set up access through one DSN that allows tables to be spread among several FileMaker
database files, you’ll need to consolidate those tables into a single database file (or create several DSNs).