
Appendix B
Mapping FileMaker fields to JDBC data types
The JDBC client driver uses the following mappings when converting FileMaker data types to JDBC SQL
types. (For information about these types, see the JDK 1.5 documentation web pages at www.javasoft.com.)
The JDBC client driver converts the FileMaker calculation data type to the JDBC SQL type matching the
calculation’s result. For example, the JDBC client driver converts a FileMaker calculation that results in a
timestamp data type to java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP.
FileMaker field type Converts to JDBC SQL type
text java.sql.Types.VARCHAR
number java.sql.Types.DOUBLE
date java.sql.Types.DATE
time java.sql.Types.TIME
timestamp java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP
container java.sql.Types.BLOB
calculation specified by the data type of the calculation’s result