Gliding Bassinet
• For best performance, make sure this product is used only on a
completely level surface.
Failure to follow these warnings and the
instructions could result in serious injury
or death.
can suffocate:
- in gaps between an extra pad and the
side of the product.
- on soft bedding
- NEVER add a mattress, pillow, comforter,
or padding. Use ONLY the pad provided
by Fisher-Price
• FALL HAZARD - To prevent falls, DO
NOT use this product when infant begins
to push up on hands and knees or has
reached 25 lbs (11.3 kg), whichever
comes first.
• Strings can cause strangulation!
place items with a string around a child’s
neck such as hood strings or pacifier
NEVER suspend strings over
product or attach strings to toys.
• Never place product near a window where
cords from blinds or drapes can strangle
a child.
• To reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death
Syndrome (SIDS), pediatricians recom
mend healthy infants be placed on their
backs to sleep, unless otherwise advised
by your physician.
• Use ONLY the sheet provided by Fisher-Price
or one specifically designed to fit the
dimensions of the pad.