Command Reference 9-27
:CONFigure :ARRay :<Measuring Function>80B/81/85
8 (<array size>)[,<parameters> [,(<channels>)]]
Configure the counter for an array of measurements
The :CONFigure:ARRay command differs from the :CONFigure command in
that it sets up the counter to perform the number of measurements you choose in
the <array size>.
To perform the selected function, you must trigger the counter with the :READ:AR
Ray? or :INITiate;:FETCh:ARRay? queries.
Parameters <array size> sets the number of measurements in the array (1 to 2500).
<Measuring Function>, <Parameters>, and <Channels> are defined on page 9-54.
SEND® :CONF:ARR:PER 8 (7),5E–3,1E–6,(@4)
This example sets up the counter to make seven period measurements. The ex
pected result is 5 ms, and the required resolution is 1 ms. The EXT ARM input is
the measuring input.
To make the measurements and fetch the seven measurement results:
READ¬ 5.23421E-3,5.12311E-3,5.87526E-3, 8
5.50345E-3,5.33901E-3,5.25501E-3, 8 5.03571E-3
Complies to standards: SCPI 1991.0, confirmed.