
retaining tags, taking care to avoid damaging
or losing the warning light graphic strips (see
8 Remove its two Torx-head retaining
screws, then detach and withdraw the
speedometer from the front of the assembly.
9 Carry out the procedure given in
paragraphs 6 and 7.
10 Carefully prise the printed circuit from the
tachometer terminals, using a similar method
to that described in paragraph 5, releasing it
from its retainers as necessary.
11 Remove its two Torx-head retaining
screws, then unclip and withdraw the
tachometer from the front of the assembly.
Fuel and temperature gauge
12 Removal and refitting procedures are
similar in method to those for the tachometer,
but only one Torx-head screw retains the
13 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
11 Speedometer cable -
removal and refitting
1 Remove the instrument panel as described
in Section 9.
2 Unscrew the speedometer cable from the
pinion/speed sensor on the transmission (see
3 Release the cable-ties and retaining clips in
the engine compartment, and withdraw the
cable grommet from the bulkhead.
4 Note the cable routing for use when
refitting. Pull the speedometer cable through
into the engine compartment, and remove it
from the car.
5 Refitting is the reversal of removal. Ensure
that the cable is routed as noted before
removal, secured with the relevant clips and
cable-ties, and that the grommet is properly
located in the bulkhead.
12 Cigarette lighter -
removal and refitting
1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead
(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).
2 Remove the cigarette lighter element
(heated section).
3 Carefully prise the element barrel out from
the illuminated surround, disconnecting its
multi-plug as it is withdrawn.
4 Hinge the illuminated surround out
carefully, removing its bulb feed connector as
it is withdrawn.
5 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
13 Clock -
removal and refitting
1 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead
(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).
2 Using a thin flat-bladed screwdriver,
carefully prise the clock out of the facia (see
illustration). Use a piece of card or similar to
prevent damage to the facia. Withdraw the
clock so that its multi-plug may be
disconnected, then remove it from the vehicle.
3 Refitting is a reversal of removal. Reset the
clock on completion.
14 Horn -
removal and refitting
1 The horn is mounted forward on the left-
hand side of the engine compartment, near
the battery.
2 Disconnect the battery negative (earth) lead
(refer to Chapter 5A, Section 1).
3 Remove the wiring loom connection from
the horn(s).
4 Both single and dual horns are mounted to
a bracket which is secured to the bodywork
by a single bolt. Remove the bolt and
withdraw the horn(s) and bracket from the
vehicle. The horn(s) may be separated from
the bracket, as required, by removing the
retaining nut(s).
5 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
15 Wiper arms -
removal and refitting
1 With the wiper(s) “parked” (ie in the normal
at-rest position), mark the positions of the
blade(s) on the screen, using a wax crayon or
strips of masking tape.
2 Lift up the plastic cap from the bottom of
the wiper arm, and loosen the nut one or two
3 Lift the wiper arm, and release it from the
taper on the spindle by moving it from side to
4 Completely remove the nut and washer,
then withdraw the wiper arm from the
5 Refitting is a reversal of the removal
procedure. Make sure that the arm is fitted in
the previously-noted position.
12•12 Body electrical systems
13.2 Carefully prise the clock out of the
11.2 Detaching the speedometer cable at
the transmission casing
10.7 Rear view of instrument cluster
A Retaining tags
B Multi-plug retainer
C Speedometer cable connection
D Speedometer gauge retaining screws
E Tachometer terminals (obscured by
protective pad)
F Tachometer gauge retaining screws
G Fuel and temperature gauge assembly
H Fuel and temperature gauge assembly
retaining screw
1595Ford Fiesta Remake