Your Systems Programmable Operating Characteristics:
Your PowerCode system has several programmable settings such as Ignition
triggered door lock, Ignition triggered door unlock and automatic arming features
which can be changed to tailor your systems operation to your own personal desires
and/or requirements. If you are interested in changing any of these settings, call
1-800-FORD-KEY for information regarding the different programmable features and
the steps to change the settings.
Changing the Shock Sensor (IT-s) settings:
Your PowerCode systems IT-s sensitivity settings can be tailored to your individual
requirements. Your installer at the time of installation has set your IT-s to a medium
sensitivity. To make your systems IT-s either more or less sensitive, follow these
1. Follow the instructions on the previous page to put your system in transmitter
learn mode.
2. Press and release the programming/override button
The system will chirp the horn four times to acknowledge the system in option
settings mode.
3. Press the button on your PowerCode remote control transmitter one time.
The system will chirp the horn one time. Your “Lite-touch” sensitivity can now be
increased by pressing the button on your PowerCode remote control
transmitter or decreased by pressing the on your PowerCode remote control
transmitter. The system chirp the horn one time each time either button is
4. Press the button on your PowerCode remote control transmitter one time.
The system will chirp the horn two times. Your “Full shock” sensitivity can now be
increased by pressing the button on your PowerCode remote control
transmitter or decreased by pressing the on your PowerCode remote control
transmitter. The system chirp the horn one time each time either button is
5. Turn the ignition key off to exit programming mode and save settings.
After changing your shock sensor settings, it is recommended that you arm your
security system and double check your settings. A setting to high can cause the
system to “false alarm”. Conversely, a setting to low could prevent the system from
adequately protecting your vehicle.
System Maintenance (Con’t)