The following list indicates some of the features that have been designed to
disconnect high voltage in the event of an accident.
• Inertia switches are designed to disconnect high voltage and fuel in the
event of an accident. There are two inertia switches - both front and rear.
If either switch opens, it disconnects the high voltage and electrical circuit
to the gasoline fuel pump.
• The high voltage system is disconnected any time the vehicle ignition key
is turned to the off position.
• The high voltage system is disconnected any time the High Voltage
Service Disconnect Switch is removed (The High Voltage Service
Disconnect Switch is located on the top of the High Voltage Battery - see
page 8) .
• The high voltage battery contains a fuse that will open in the event of a
high current short circuit.
• If the vehicle ignition key is left on, and the high voltage battery
temperature exceeds 140 F, thermal sensors will disconnect the high
voltage battery. Note - If the key is off, the high voltage is already
• There is an interlock circuit on all high voltage connectors that disables the
high voltage anytime they are disconnected.
2006/07 Escape Hybrid, Mariner Hybrid Emergency Response Guide, 08/2006