
Understanding the Skill Levels
Depending on the game, the skill levels
change the level of difficulty, the number of
guesses, or the minimum number of letters
in a word.
Getting Help in the Games
During any game you can read instructions
by pressing HELP. You can get a hint by
pressing or reveal the game word by
pressing ?. Note: If you reveal the game
word, you lose the round.
Hangman challenges you to guess mystery
words one letter at a time. Each letter is hidden
by a question mark. The number of wrong
guesses appears at the right of the screen.
Press ENTER or to reveal a letter.
Anagrams asks you to form a word from the
letters of another word. Each anagram must be
the minimum size (number of letters) that
flashes before each round. Each letter can be
used only as many times as it already appears.
Any remaining anagrams are displayed.
Playing the Games