If your refrigerator is placed with the door hinge side
against a wall, you may have to allow additional space
so the door can be opened wider.
Raise the front of the refrigerator enough so the doors
close freely when opened halfway. The refrigerator
should slope 1/4” to 1/2” from front to back. Then
level the refrigerator from side-to-side.
Do Not install the refrigerator where the temperature
will drop below 55°F (13°C) or rise above 110°F
(43°C). The compressor will not be able to maintain
proper temperatures inside the refrigerator.
Do Not block the toe grille on the lower front of your
proper operation of your refrigerator.
This Use & Care Guide provides general operating
instructions for your model. Use the refrigerator only as
instructed in this Use & Care Guide.
• Chooseaplacethatisnearagroundedelectrical
outlet. use an extension cord or an
adapter plug.
• Ifpossible,placetherefrigeratoroutofdirect
sunlight and away from the range, dishwasher or
other heat sources.
• Therefrigeratormustbeinstalledonaoorthatis
level and strong enough to support a fully loaded
• Considerwatersupplyavailabilityformodels
equipped with an automatic ice maker. If you do
not hook up water to the refrigerator, remember to
turn the ice maker off.
Installation clearances
• Allowthefollowingclearancesforeaseof
installation, proper air circulation, and plumbing
and electrical connections:
Sides & Top
Back 1 inch
front rollers or front leveling screws to help level your
Remove toe grille.
2 Useat-bladescrewdriveror3/8”socketwrench
to adjust front rollers. Use adjustable wrench to
adjust leveling screws.