
5.3 Connector Specifications
YQPACK specifications
On the header board, the signals from the evaluation MCU mounted on the adapter are connected in
accordance with the mass production MCU pin layout (same layout as YQPACK) via the two adapt-
er interface connectors on the header board.
Refer to the data sheet or hardware manual of the mass production MCU for information about its
pin layout.
Tables 5.3, 5.4, 5.5, and 5.6 list the pin layouts for the adapter board interface connectors.
Note :
The "A row" in the table titles refers to the side of the connector that has the polarity marking.
The "B row" refers to the other side.
"O" in the CBTS column indicates that the signal goes from the YQPACK176SD to adapter
interface connector 1 or 2 via the level shifter (SN74CBTS16211, Texas Instruments Incor-
porated) .
VCC3 connects to the VCC3 pin on the mass production MCU.
VCC5 connects to VCC5 pins on the mass production MCU (pin 133, 147, 162, or 176) . Use
the VCC5 jumper plug on the header board to specify the pins to which to connect.