Do not open the equipment.
Only qualified personnel
should work inside the
Be sure no water leaks in at the transdu-
cer installation site.
Water leakage can sink the vessel.
Also confirm that the transducer will not
loosen by ship's vibration.
The installer of the equipment is solely
responsible for the proper installation of the
equipment. FURUNO will assume no
responsibility for any damage
associated with improper installation.
If a steel tank is installed on a wooden
or FRP vessel, take appropriate
measures to prevent electrolytic
Electrolytic corrosion can damage the hull.
Be sure that the power supply is
compatible with the voltage rating of
the equipment.
Connection of an incorrect power supply
can cause fire or equipment damage.
The voltage rating of the equipment appears
on the label above the power connector.
Turn off the power at the switchboard
before beginning the installation.
Fire or electrical shock can result if the
power is left on.
Do not install the equipment where it
may get wet from rain or water splash.
Water in the equipment can result in fire,
electrical shock or equipment damage.
Installe the specified transducer tank
in accordance with the installation
instructions. If a different tank is to be
installed the shipyard is solely respon-
sible for its installation, and it should
be installed so the tank doesn't strike
an object.
The tank or hull may be damaged if the
tank strikes an object.
Indicates a condition that can cause death or serious
injury if not avoided.
Indicates a condition that can cause minor or moderate
injury if not avoided.
Warning, Caution
Mandatory Action
Prohibitive Action
Read these safety instructions before you operate the equipment.