
Av. Kit Install. Manual
190-00067-02 Rev. J
Page 7
NAV Super Flag Output: Output capable of driving positive logic NAV Super
(Pin 10) Flag by sourcing up to 500mA for flag out of view (NAV
RS422 input: Input capable of receiving serial OBS data from
(Pins 11 & 27) Collins Pro Line 2 EFIS DSP unit.
GPS approach arm low: Input, when grounded, controls approach mode.
(Pin 9)
GPS OBS: Capable of interfacing with a standard OBS resolver.
(Pins 4,14,35 and 37)
ARINC 429 Input A & B: Input capable of receiving data from ARINC 429 (low
(Pins 32 & 33) speed) devices as listed in Section 4.
Battery +,-, Charge Enable Connection for GARMIN remote battery accessory.
(Pins 30, 34, 29) 26 PIN CONNECTOR (J102)
MIC Audio Hi and Lo:: Input requiring 275mV RMS into 470 ohm load.
(Pins 2 and 3) (Standard carbon or dynamic MIC containing
transistorized pre-amp.)
MIC Key: Input, when grounded, keys the transmitter.
COMM Audio Hi and Lo: Output capable of driving a 500 ohm load with
(Pins 5 and 6) 100mW.
MIC Intercomm: Input requiring 125mV RMS into 470 ohm load.
(Pin 8) (Standard carbon or dynamic MIC containing
transistorized pre-amp.)
Remote Transfer: Input, when grounded, swaps the active and
(Pin 10) standby COMM frequencies.
TX Interlock: Input, when grounded, reduces receiver sensitivity
(Pin 12) so squelch will not break when another transceiver is
Altimeter input: Capable of receiving encoded output data from any
(Pins 14-24) parallel altimeter device.
Remote Enter: Input, when ground, functions the same as the enter
(Pin 26) key on the GNC 300 front panel.