
lat Latitude (rad)
lon Longitude (rad)
lon_vel Longitude velocity (mt/sec)
lat_vel Latitude velocity (mt/sec)
alt_vel Altitude velocity (mt/sec)
Receiver Measurement Record
- 0x10 (dle is first byte)
- 0x29 (receiver record identifier)
- 0xE2 (size of data)
- cpo_rcv_type (see below)
- one byte chksum (the addition of bytes between the delimiters should equal 0)
- 0x10 (dle)
- 0x03 (etx)
typedef struct
unsigned long cycles;
double pr;
unsigned int phase;
char slp_dtct;
unsigned char snr_dbhz;
char svid;
char valid;
} cpo_rcv_sv_type;
typedef struct
double rcvr_tow;
int rcvr_wn;
cpo_rcv_sv_type sv[12];
} cpo_rcv_type;
rcvr_tow Receiver time of week (sec)
rcvr_wn Receiver week number
cycles Number of accumulated cycles
pr pseudo range (mt)
phase to convert to (0 -359.999) multiply by 360.0 and divide by 2048.0
slp_dtct 0 = no cycle slip detected; non 0 = cycle slip detected
snr_dbhz Signal strength
svid Satellite number (0 - 31) Note - add 1 to offset to current svid numbers
valid 0 = information not valid; non 0 = information valid