Item Component Icon Description
1 Status LED indicator Status Indicates keyboard status. See “Media Center FAQs” on page 88.
2 Channel button
Use to change the radio frequency (RF) channel the keyboard uses. For more
information, see “Changing the wireless keyboard or mouse channels” on page 34.
3 Teach button
Use to synchronize the keyboard with the radio frequency (RF) receiver. For more
information, see “Setting up and synchronizing the wireless keyboard and mouse” on
page 8.
4 Transport buttons
Lets you replay buffered TV programs and play the CD and DVD player.
5 Audio/Video (A/V) control buttons
Controls volume levels and volume mute.
6 Internet and e-mail buttons
Starts your Internet browser and e-mail program. Lets you navigate the Internet
browser and search for information.
7 Windows keys
Gives you direct access to the Windows Start menu.
8 Application key Lets you access shortcut menus and help assistants in Windows.
9 Directional (navigation) keys
Lets you move the pointer around the Guide and menus.