Chapter 4: Adjusting the DVD Player Settings
Rating Select to restrict the types of DVD videos which can be
played on the DVD player. For example, if a movie
including violent scenes supports the parental lock
feature, these scenes may be cut or replaced by other
scenes. Options include:
1 - Only play DVD videos made for children. Adult and
general audience DVD videos cannot be played.
2 - Play G rated DVD videos
3 - Play G and PG rated DVD videos
4 or 5 - Play G, PG, and PG-13 rated DVD videos
6 - Play G, PG, PG-13, and R rated DVD videos
7 - Play G, PG, PG-13, R, and NC-17 rated DVD videos
8 - Play all discs.
Others Setup Scr Saver Select to turn the screen saver on or off. Options include:
On - Turn on the screen saver.
Off - Turn off the screen saver.
Angle Mark Select to turn the multiple angle notification on or off.
Options include:
On - Turn on the multiple angle notification feature.
Off - Turn off the multiple angle notification feature.
Default Select to reset all the settings except the rating level and
the password to the default factory settings. Options
Reset - Reset all settings to the default factory settings.
Exit Setup Select to exit the setup menu and save your changes.
Menu Setting Description