Problem Solution
No dial tone • Check installation:
–– Are the telephone line cords connected to the phone and the wall jack? Are they damaged?
• Does the hook switch pop up when the handset is lifted?
• Check the SPEAKERPHONE button. Is the indicator off?
• Disconnect the phone from the wall jack and connect another phone to the same jack. If there is no dial tone in the
second phone, the problem might be your wiring or local service.
You cannot be heard by • Is the handset or headset cord inserted properly and securely?
the other party. • Is MUTE on?
Phone does not ring. • Is the ringer turned off?
• Is Do Not Disturb activated?
•You may have too many extension phones on your line. Try unplugging some phones.
•See solutions for “No dial tone.”
Incoming voice too low • Check setting of volume control.
or none at all.
Memory dialing
•Did you program the memory location keys correctly?
doesn’t work • Did you follow proper dialing sequence?
Battery icon is blank • The three “AA” batteries need replacing or are improperly installed or not installed at all.
or shows only one bar
Intercom does not • Make sure line 1 is connected properly and common to all phones on the system.
function correctly • Make sure all phone IDs (station numbers) involved have been assigned.
Transfer does not • Make sure receiver phones (stations) have same line connected.
function correctly
Intercom indicator turns • The station address needs to be re-assigned due to a duplicate station address in the system. See “Changing the
red and green alternately Phone ID (Station Address)”.