
Chapter 2 Installing the Ethernet Interface
Invoking the Field Network Test Utility
To invoke the Field Network Test Utility you need to connect the GSM locally to one of
the Ethernet Interfaces on the network.
Refer to Chapter 3, “The GEnet System Manager”, for instructions on installing the
GSM software on a user supplied Workmaster or IBM–PC Compatible computer.
See Installation Procedure 2 in this chapter for instructions on using the terminal
emulation feature of the GSM.
Alternately, you can use a dumb terminal, or another terminal
emulation product on a PC. However, you will probably find it most
convenient to use the GSM terminal emulation feature since you will be
using the GSM for other configuration purposes. Configure the terminal
for 9600 bps, 8 bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
Perform the following steps to invoke the Field Network Test Utility.
1. Connect the GSM locally to one of the Ethernet Interfaces on the Network you are
2. Power up the PLC (if power is already on, you need to cycle power or press the
Restart push–button on the Ethernet Interface ).
3. After step 7 of the power–up diagnostic is complete, the “@” symbol will appear on
the terminal device. After the “@” symbol appears, you have 3 seconds to enter the
single character (“F” or “f”) to invoke the Field Network Test Utility. The “F” will not
be echoed back. Any characters other than “f” or “F” are ignored. If you do not see
a startup message displayed like the one shown below, press the Restart button on
the Ethernet Interface (or cycle power on the station) and repeat this step.
The expected startup message upon entering the Field Network Test Utility is similar
to the one shown here:
IC697 PLC Factory LAN Interface
Copyright (c) 1990-1995. All rights reserved.
PROM Version 2.00 (xxAn)
MAC address = <<08001901001f>>, MAC default = <<08001901001f>>
<<< Field Network Test Utility >>>
4. Repeat steps 1 through 3 for each Ethernet Interface to be tested.