Operator’s ManualThird Edition • First Printing
Part No. 114002 Genie AWP Super Series 17
12 Push in the red Emergency Stop button at the
platform controls to the off position.
13 Pull out the red Emergency Stop button at the
ground controls to the on position.
14 Push in the control activate button and rotate
the up/down switch in the direction of intended
Result: The up/down function should not
Test Outrigger Interlock
15 Twist to release the red Emergency Stop button
at the platform controls.
Result: The up/down functions should operate.
16 Unscrew one leveling jack until the
corresponding interlock display light turns off.
Result: The up/down function should not
17 Return the leveling jack to the previous setting
and check the bubble level.
18 Repeat this procedure for each outrigger.
Test Auxiliary Platform Lowering
- AC & DC Models
19 Raise the platform slightly.
20 Disconnect the power source from the machine.
21 Turn the key switch to ground control.
22 Push in the auxiliary platform lowering button at
the ground controls.
Result: The platform should lower.
23 Connect the power source to the machine.
24 Turn the key switch to platform control.
25 Raise the platform slightly.
26 Disconnect the power source from the machine.
27 Push in the control activate button and rotate
the up/down switch in the down direction.
Result: The platform should lower.
28 Connect the power source to the machine.
Test Manual Lowering
29 Raise the platform slightly.
30 Activate the manual
lowering valve located
at the bottom of the
hydraulic cylinder.
Result: The
platform should