4 309966J
Proper grounding is an essential part of maintaining a
safe system.
To reduce the risk of static sparking, ground the pump.
Check your local electrical code for detailed grounding
instructions for your area and type of equipment.
Ground the following equipment:
• Pump: Use a ground wire and clamp as shown in
IG. 1.
• Fluid hoses: Use only electrically conductive hoses.
• Air compressor: Follow the manufacturer’s recom-
• Fluid supply container: Follow the local code.
• To maintain grounding continuity when flushing or
relieving pressure, always hold a metal part of the
valve firmly to the side of a grounded metal pail,
then trigger the valve.
To ground the pump, remove the ground screw (Z)
and insert through the eye of the ring terminal at end of
the ground wire (Y). Fasten the ground screw back onto
the pump and tighten securely. Connect the other end of
the ground wire to a true earth ground. See F
IG. 1. To
order a ground wire and clamp, order Part No. 222011.
1. Plan the mounting layout for easy operator access
to the pump air controls, sufficient room to change
drums and a secure mounting platform.
2. If using a follow plate (H), remove the drum cover.
Scoop the material to the center of the drum to
make the surface convex. Place the plate on the
material. Guide the pump foot valve through the
3. Mount the pump to the drum cover or other suitable
mounting device.
4. Install a pump elevator for easier changing of
IG. 1
Mount the pump securely so that it cannot move
around during operation. Failure to do so could result in
personal injury or equipment damage.