The StreetPilot 2610/2650 uses an on-screen message system to notify you of important information.
To acknowledge a message, press IN on the remote’s thumbstick or simply touch the message on the
Data Transfer Complete – Transfer of data to the unit from the PC software has been completed.
Database Error – A waypoint or route failed to store in memory. If the problem persists, return the unit to
Garmin for service.
Map Storage Error – Error with data on the CF card. Try reloading the maps.
Map Storage Error: Bad Format – Unrecognized data on the CF card. Return for repair.
Map Storage Error: Too Many Maps – The CF card contains more maps than the unit software can
process. Not all maps on disk will be shown.
Detail Maps Don’t Support Routing – Maps that are loaded on the CF card do not support automatic
route calculation.
GPS Turned Off for Indoor Use – GPS satellite reception has been disabled for indoor use.
Lost Position Confidence – (2650 Only) Unit has been running on DR (Dead Reckoning) too long
without GPS position. Make sure the antenna has a clear view of the sky.
Lost Satellite Reception - The unit has lost satellite signals. Check antenna connections or try moving it
to a location with a clear view of the sky.
Memory is Full – The unit’s memory is full. To reduce the amount of memory used, delete unused routes,
waypoints, or track log data.
Route Data Transfer Complete – Route data has successfully been transferred to the unit.
Route Memory is Full – Route memory is full and no more routes can be saved or added (from another
GPS unit or a PC).
Route Truncated – The route has been truncated because it was too long. There are turns missing prior to
the destination.
Appendix F: Messages