8 307878Y
Models 226012 and 240886
Refer to FIG. 7 for the following instructions unless other
wise indicated.
1. Assemble the truck as shown in the Parts Drawing
on page 13 but do not assemble the handle.
2. Slide handle through elevator slide tube and secure
handle to base.
3. Remove the fluid outlet adapter included with the
pump, and screw the holster (6) into the pump outlet
using thread sealant.
4. Secure pump to elevator mounting plate.
5. Remove inductor plate locking nut, locking ring, and
o-ring. (F
IG. 6)
6. In order, slide inductor plate locking nut, locking
ring, and o-ring on pump riser tube.
7. Adjust the inductor plate (5) on the pump riser tube
so the slots are showing just below the inside of the
plate. Tighten the locking nut securely. (F
IG. 6)
8. Open the inductor plate vent by turning the knob
counter clockwise.
9. Place an open 50 lb (22.68 kg) pail of grease on the
truck and secure it with the hold-down clamps.
10. Remove the cover from the pail and scoop the lubri-
cant from the center to the sides of the pail to make
its surface concave.
11. Center the inductor plate (5) in the pail opening.
Press down on the pump and rock it back and forth
to seat the inductor plate to eliminate air pockets.
Continue action until material appears at the vent
12. Close the inductor plate vent by turning the knob
13. Assemble the gun (2b), Z-swivel, and hose (2a).
14. Connect hose (2a) to holster (6) or to pump fluid
outlet adapter if you chose not to use the hol-
ster.Connect the nipple (2d) to the pump air inlet or
air regulator inlet (7b), whichever is applicable.
15. Connect the quick-disconnect coupler (2c) to the air
supply hose.
FIG. 6
Locking nut
Locking ring
1/8” (3 mm)
Pump intake slots
FIG. 7
3c, 3d
2c, 2d
Model 240886 shown