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6. Set pump valve ON (hydraulic motor is now active).
7. Increase pressure enough to start hydraulic motor
stroking and allow fluid to circulate for 15 seconds;
turn pressure down.
8. Close prime valve by rotating handle clockwise.
9. Take spray gun trigger safety OFF.
10. Hold gun against grounded metal flushing pail.
Trigger gun and increase fluid pressure slowly
until pump runs smoothly.
11. Inspect fittings for leaks. Do not stop leaks with your
hand or a rag! If leaks occur, turn sprayer OFF
immediately. Relieve pressure, page 7. Tighten
leaky fittings. Repeat Startup, steps 1 - 5. If no
leaks, continue to trigger gun until system is
thoroughly flushed. Proceed to step 6.
12. Place siphon tube in paint pail.
13. Trigger gun again into flushing fluid pail until paint
appears. Assemble tip and guard, page 11.