20 312066Z
Primary Heaters (A and B)
Before performing any troubleshooting procedures:
1. Relieve pressure, page 23.
2. Turn main power OFF .
3. Allow equipment to cool.
Try the recommended solutions in the order given for
each problem, to avoid unnecessary repairs. Also,
determine that all circuit breakers, switches, and con-
trols are properly set and wiring is correct before assum-
ing there is a problem.
Primary heater(s) does not heat.
Heat turned off.
Press or zone
Temperature control alarm. Check temperature display for diag-
nostic code, page 8.
Signal failure from thermocouple. See E04: Fluid Temperature Sen-
sor (FTS) or thermocouple discon-
nected, page 10.
Control of primary heat is abnormal;
high temperature overshoots or E01
error occurs intermittently.
Dirty thermocouple connections. Examine connection of thermocou-
ples to long green plug on heater
control board. Unplug and re-plug
thermocouple wires, cleaning off any
debris. Unplug and re-plug long
green connector.
Thermocouple not contacting heater
Loosen ferrule nut (N), push in ther-
mocouple (310) so tip (T) contacts
heater element (307). Holding themo-
couple tip (T) against heater element,
tighten ferrule nut (N) 1/4 turn past
tight. See page 42 for illustration.
Failed heater element. See Primary Heaters, page 20.
Signal failure from thermocouple. See E04: Fluid Temperature Sen-
sor (FTS) or thermocouple discon-
nected, page 10.
Thermocouple wired incorrectly. See E04: Fluid Temperature Sen-
sor (FTS) or thermocouple discon-
nected, page 10. Power up zones
one at a time and verify that tempera-
ture for each zone rises.